The Chaplaincy currently supports various charities as part of its commitment to the local community.
One-off payments are given to a range of local charities in need.
More information about these can be found in our NEWS section.
Stepping Stones Carers Support
Stepping Stones is a weekly support group for carers and those being cared for in the Almanzora Valley area.
More information at https://www.supportinspain.info/organisations/stepping-stones-carers-support/
MACS Cancer Support Group
MACS is a fully registered Spanish charity. Founded in 2008. Serving patients, survivors and carers from Almeria to Velez Rubio.
More information at http://www.macscancersupport.com/
Debra is the only national, registered charity for people affected by Epidermolysis bullosa or EB in Spain. The team is made up of 38 people all working tirelessly to support the children with EB and their families.
More information at https://www.pieldemariposa.es/en/
The Vera Orphanage
The Residencia Infantil San Agustín in Vera has been helping local orphans since 1872. Their current facility can house up to 20 orphans at anyone time. More recently their work has broadened to support child migrants coming into the area.
More information at https://hhccespanasur.org/casa/residencia-infantil-san-agustin/
Vera Lions
Money collected from refreshments at Llanos del Peral Church was donated to the common fund at Vera Lions, this will go to supporting the Children's Home, Disability Centre and helping those in financial need. https://veralions.com
Scotty´s Little Soldiers
Llanos del Peral Church had the great pleasure of donating 200 euros from the refreshment money taken after the Church services to this wonderful Charity. The following is taken from their website explaining who they are what they do.
Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity dedicated to supporting bereaved military children and young people.
Inspired by the experience of Army widow Nikki Scott, the charity honours husband Corporal Lee Scott’s memory – both as a loyal soldier and a loving father – and provides a practical yet personal way for the public at large to show their appreciation for those brave individuals who make the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country. www.scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk
The photo shows Karen Liptrot receiving the money on behalf of the charity from Keith Steventon-Green, Church Warden.
We also support 3 Foodbanks in the area. More information HERE.
Community Charity Donations
